"When the world is running down, you make the best of what's still around"

Books Bested: 2007

By Shanathalas
Life of Pi
by Yann Martel

Jaime gave me this fantastic book for Christmas. Winner of the Man Booker Prize for 2002, this harrowing yet vastly entertaining novel tells the story of Piscine Molitor Patel, a devout Christian, Hindu, Muslim and zoologist. Imagine a book made from the movies Gandhi, The Ghost and the Darkness and Castaway. The narrator says this story will make you believe in God. Though I would not go that far, I will say that it makes one reflect on one's own spirituality and beliefs. I recommend this book highly; in fact this is now officially one of my favourite ever novels.

Happy Australia Day, eh

By Shanathalas
Today is Oz's national day (technically it was yesterday; you best me again International Date Line). I'm wishing all my mates downunder a very fun and hopefully not too hot Australia Day. I'm there in spirit drinking beer, eating snags and soaking my feet in the kiddie pool.


By Shanathalas
To the non-gamers: avert your eyes. To my wowser friends: W00t! The Burning Crusade is here! Now my lovely Night Elf Hunter (named Shanathalas, of course) can level up to 70 in the wide, wide world of Outland. But wait! That's not all. Now I can create lovely little newbie characters as Blood Elves or Dranei. Blood Elves are nasty, anorexic, magic-loving elves that have sided with the horde faction (AKA, the bad guys) of Azeroth. My blood elf? A red-haired warlock named "LizBathory".

Dranei on the other hand are part of the Alliance (that's right: the good guys). They are cloven-hoofed, Russian-speaking Aliens. Any Halo fan out there will recognise that the dranei technology is pure covenant, as evidenced by the extensive use of lilac-coloured crystals. My dranei is a cutesy-pie shaman named "BadRobot" (an homage to JJ Abrams).

They rock!

Congratulations Mum

By Shanathalas
I just wanted to give a woohoo for mum. She managed to hit her goal-weight with Weight Watchers on Friday. She's been working really hard for a long time now, its great that she's achieved her goal. Good work mum :)

Still kicking in 2007

By Shanathalas
Sorry for such a long stint between posts. I am currently being treated for my deep vein thrombosis. I've tried writing something witty and upbeat while still conveying the gravitas of the situation. I can't; I'm too tired. So I have compiled a list.

Things that suck:

  • Deep Vein Thrombosis; it fucking hurts. The morphine made me high ("Jaime, jaime, the lines are making me confused") but didn't get rid of the pain.
  • They treat DVT with Rat Poison: I'm not joking. No vitamins, no running, no soccer, no herbal tea, no nothing for three or so months. And the "pill"? never again.
  • Spending 3-4 hours of each day sitting in smelly emergency department waiting for treatment.
  • Having nasty drugs injected into your abdomen everyday. My tummy looks like a dartboard.
  • Having to quit the good temp job I just got cause of having to go to the ER every day.
  • Being flat fucken broke cause of no job.
  • People thinking your retarded cause you have a pair of crutches: No, you don't have to speak slowly for me.
  • Lurking death. Just for the record: cremation.
  • Mother nature. The bitch wrecked my favourite forest and now she's throwing snow and hurricane force wind in my way to my daily trip to the hospital.

Things that Rock:

  • Jaime: He's the best husband in the world, having the patience of a saint and keeping me going when I feel I can't go on. Also he gave me a little blue nano for christmas.
  • Mum: There's no better nurse, advocate and friend in the world.
  • Vancouver cab drivers. I'm single-handedly keeping Yellow Cab in business. And with the exception of one, all the lovely South-Asian drivers have been so prompt and helpful with my multitude of trips.
  • My arms: Thanks to the crutches, I'm developing arm muscles and , dare I say it, shoulders.
  • Emails from friends :) *hint*